♫♪BiG BANG fansite♪♫

Lily Huang

first breathe on- January 21
e-mail - PLEASEDONTSPAM.[email protected]
blood type..? - O
loves - BigBang (: plans to meet them one day..somehow... <3
wishes- to own all big bang merchandises. someone send her all their posters please.
Favorite Big Bang songs of all times- Haru Haru. and all the SOLO songs (;

<-- yes i knoe i spelled 'PUZZLE' wrong.

Karen Chen (:

 Born: July 28  ( Go summer birthdays :D )
 E-Mail: [email protected]  ... i will hunt u down if u spam >;DD
 Favorite Color: BLUE ! (:
 Favorite Big Bang member: TAEYANG ftw all the way. <3